Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sher - not a tiger, much better than that ;-)

जब कोई १००० डालर अपने स्वदेश (इंडिया ) दूरभाष पर बात करने में लगा दे ,
समझ जाइए कि उसे अपने देश लॉट जाना चाहिए :-)
(15 Nov, 2007)

प्यारी , फुरसत हो गयी होगी , आशा है
अभी तक जगी भी न बैठी हों , ये भी आशा है [smile]
milte हैं phir कभी kisi झील के kinaare
बतीयायेंगे ढेर सारा ... पहले झील तो ढूंढो [wink] !
(26th Oct, 2007)

Monday, October 22, 2007

The realization of a portrait ... the making

I'm sketching a portrait for my wi-fi tonight & I would take its photographs at each stage, to see , show & remember for myself - how a portrait develops. This sequence may help someone who's new to sketching real faces or someone learning how to sketch a face !
Let's start (Pencil used - 2 HB) ...
  1. I'm capturing all the photos of the sketch I'm making, with my 6 MP Cybershot, in night-mode (no flash, delayed shutter). So, the backdrop may appear somewhat dark, however not so much to deviate attention of keen observers.
  2. First, the shape of face & orientation - I took the mid-line (vertical) passing the center of nose & the line joining the 2 eyes (horizontal) as imaginary reference lines (without drawing any actual grid) . This usually helps in keeping the size of eyes, nose, cheeks proportionate.
  3. I'm trying to complete an eye, along with the shape of the face & some nose too ...
  4. See ? Using a light stroke for the pencil is useful, if we need to alter the shape of the face / nose later.
  5. Second eye ...

  1. She's staring at me :-( ... Redid the whole nosy :-) ... I felt it was too small - thanks to the imaginary reference lines. I'm starting the lips now :

  2. Ghostly stage ... Boooo !
  3. Lips completed now ... not pink yet ;-)
  4. Lips touched up & some features sharpened. Added bindi (the holy dot on forehead, between the eyes). Hair formation started ...
  5. Dyed the hair a bit ;-) ... colored the bindi and accented the lips with pink (light strokes of a RED pencil) . Note the left earring.
  6. I jus showed it to my wi-fi & she found somethin missin ! Can you guess what ?
  7. My wi-fi jus approved this one with the neck :-) ... Hurray ! I gifted her the sketch.

Music of the night : Cheeni kam hai (Movie : Cheeni kum ; Sung by : Shreya Ghoshal ) - unique music, good bass, hindi song. This one makes me hum it all day long !

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The chicken came first or the egg ? ... the science behind it !

I have always been bothered by this unanswered question since childhood - the chicken came first or the egg ??? Last week I applied some science to it & figured it for myself ... and the world ;-) ...
The egg came first.
Science behind this : For a chicken to develop, an egg is necessary. However, the same does not apply to an egg ! We learnt in basic science, about the history of evolution, the initial life forms were microorganisms (unicellular & then multicellular) that dwelt in water. Such forms kept developing, multiplying into different forms, adapting to various types of local ecosystems created on earth. Such a combination of life creating forms, or all the ingredients that exist in today's usual egg, must have gotten together into some protected / enclosed area (which is not necessary - the components just need to be together, under the right temperature, with enough air) & it gave birth to the first form of chicken. It might not be as developed a chick as we see today, however some preliminary form of chicken. Slowly, this developed into a modern chicken that is seen today.
Now, how much do you agree with that, lemme know through the blog comments.

Music of the night : Bulla ki jaana main kaun (Album sung by Rabbi Shergil) - a sufiyana style, punjabi song, with modern rhythm & touch of guitar